It's Time For Change

Watch my ad on why
I'm Running for State Senate

Yiatin Chu is running for NY State Senate District 11 in Queens, NYC. Yiatin is a common sense candidate and her priorities are public safety, immigration, education and quality of life.
Also endorsed by:
"Proud to wholeheartedly endorse Yiatin Chu for State Senate. She is exactly the kind of outspoken common-sense representative our district needs, and I look forward to working with her."
- Councilmember Vickie Paladino
"Yiatin Chu possesses the leadership, integrity, and work ethic necessary to serve as an exemplary State Senator. Her unwavering commitment to advocating for merit-based education, public safety, and restoring common sense to our policies has had a significant impact on our communities. She has my full and unequivocal support."
Councilmember Robert Holden
"We need a compassionate and pragmatic voice like hers in Albany. Yiatin Chu has my full support, and I am committed to doing everything in my power to help make her your next State Senator."
- Former Congressman Lee Zeldin
"Yiatin is a fighter and a community activist who will deliver change for all in #NY Senate District 11. Please, follow, volunteer and support Yiatin. It is imperative that she wins."
- Guardian Angels, Founder Curtis Sliwa
"Proud to be endorsing Yiatin Chu to be our next NYS Senator in District 11... Change Needed! Vote in November!"
- Judge George Grasso
"Chu has consistently shown a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to our community, especially the struggles facing working-class families. She recognizes the frustrations surrounding taxpayer money being used for free benefits for migrants, while hardworking New Yorkers are left grappling with rising costs." ​
"We look forward to you bringing your compassionate problem solving skills to Albany." - SOAR NYPD
"Your platform to support and advocate for better educational services for our children, stronger outreach and more robust services designed to meet the needs of our ever growing populating of needy elderly retirees,
while actively proposing and pursuing pro-police & public safety policies that are with consistent with our values." - New York 10-13 Association
